Tuftex Wins California Recycled Water Award
Santa Fe Springs, CA, March 28, 2014 -- Shaw's Tuftex division received the Recycled Water Customer of the Year Award from the WateReuse Association's California Section.
The award recognizes a recycled water user that has advanced the acceptance
of water reuse through unique applications and/or innovative marketing, demonstrating how recycled water benefits the public and contributes to its business services.
Nominated by the Los Angeles County Sanitation District, Tuftexʼ efforts increased its use of recycled water from an average of 25.9% (out of total water consumption) in 2012 to 59.4% in 2013, a savings of more than 63 million gallons of fresh water.
Tuftex said it has continued to make strides in recent months, currently using nearly 80% reclaimed water.
Related Topics:Shaw Industries Group, Inc., Tuftex