Thom Filicia to Host Karastan Seminars

Dalton, GA, MAY 18, 2007--Celebrity designer, Thom Filicia, teamed with Karastan and co-sponsor, Wear-Dated Carpet Fiber, to host “Decorating From the Floor Up” seminars at the Field Museum in Chicago (May 5) and the JKF Library in Boston (May 12). Both venues provided a stunning backdrop for the educational, entertaining and interactive events.


Filicia, an acclaimed interior designer to the stars, is heralded for his innovative decorating magic on the hit show “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” and on his new Style Network series, “Dress My Nest”. He has quite a following that transcends all age ranges. Those attending “Decorating From the Floor Up” included male and female consumers ranging in age from early 20’s to late 70’s. Limited seating kept the event intimate for the 200 first-come, first serve attendees. A majority of the ticket price benefited Susan G. Komen for the Cure.


During the 1½-hour seminar, Filicia showed consumers how to “Decorate From the Floor  Up” using Karastan’s Shapura Tiana and Plum Blossom rugs. Audience members were invited on-stage to help create what Thom terms as “timeless” and “timely” interiors. The finished decors were virtually presented a large, on-stage screen. Filicia digitally replaced the rugs with broadlooms, like Karastan’s French Check and Brucemore, to show how easily the floor can be used to change the look and mood of an interior setting.


Filicia closed the seminars with a Q&A session, giving audience members the opportunity to solve personal decorating dilemmas. After the event, Filicia answered

more questions, signed autographs, and posed for photos with consumers attending the meet-and-greet reception.


“We are big fans of Thom Filicia and Karastan, and came to learn more from both,” says Jill Goebel (44) of Chicago, who attended the event with her mother, Alissa Goebel (78).  “I think it is smart to play off Karastan’s color expertise to ‘decorate from the floor up’. Seeing Thom has given me the confidence to try this idea at home. I can’t wait to get started.”


Dan Jimenez (31) of Chicago agrees, “I love the “decorating from the floor up” concept. It makes perfect sense to use a beautiful rug as a springboard for design. Since Karastan uses 30+ colors in its rugs, you can take a room in numerous directions without much effort.”


In addition to consumers, local retailers appreciated the excitement Karastan brought to their cities. Barbara Feig, rug buyer of Lewis Carpet One in Northbrook, IL, applauds Karastan’s marketing initiatives. “Karastan doesn’t take its brand for granted,” says Feig. “They continue to build on their success and the success of their retailers. Events like ‘Decorating From the Floor Up’ reinforce the Karastan brand, while inspiring and educating consumers. It is a win-win for everyone.”  


Karastan will hold two more “Decorating From the Floor Up” Live! with Thom Filicia events this Fall. Locations and dates are still being determined. Until then, consumers can enjoy regular decorating columns from Filicia that are featured on


Related Topics:Mohawk Industries, Karastan, Carpet One, The International Surface Event (TISE)