SID Announces 2003 Design Award Honorees
Washington, DC, Feb. 12--The American Society of Interior Designers is pleased to announce its 2003 design award honorees. A jury of esteemed professional designers selected winners in five categories: Designer of Distinction, Design for Humanity, Educator of Distinction, Patron's Prize and Product Prize (corporate and individual). The honorees will be recognized at the Society's annual awards program, ASID, a Celebration, to take place in Savannah, GA, on Saturday, March 6. Eleanor Brydone, FASID, FOCA, ARIDO, is the 2003 ASID Designer of Distinction. Brydone is principal and founder of Rice Brydone Limited in Toronto, Ontario-an award-winning interior design consultancy founded in 1971. In the mid-1990s she also created KiiA Architecture, Inc., Architects and KiiA Technology, Inc: all independent firms that collaborate to offer design solutions to clients across North America. Brydone has been active in ASID on both the Society and chapter levels. She was a member of the ASID Board of Directors, served on numerous Society task forces, including chair of the marketing task force, and member of the designing marketing for success task force, strategic management task force, council of presidents task force and chapter assessment task force. In commenting on its decision, the ASID Awards Jury noted: "Eleanor is an inspirational and passionate leader...She influenced many young designers as a mentor...Her leadership and marketing expertise for our profession is far reaching." The 2003 ASID Design for Humanity honoree is Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI), a leading international organization addressing the issues of poverty housing. Since its founding in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, this grassroots-based organization has built and rehabilitated more than 150,000 houses for 625,000 needy individuals in approximately 3,000 communities across the globe. Former President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn have been involved in HFHI since the early 1980s, and their leadership has sparked tremendous visibility and interest in Habitat's work across the U.S. and abroad. Numerous ASID chapters and individual members have volunteered with HFHI, and like the Society, Habitat is committed to sustainable design. Its environmental initiative teaches staff and volunteers to use "green" construction techniques that conserve natural resources and are energy efficient. In making its decision, the award jury commented: "Habitat has had an international impact on a diverse group of humanity. The no-interest loan, the involvement of the people who will live in the homes and the volunteer aspect all make this organization deserving of this award." Buie Harwood, Hon. FASID, FIDEC, is honored with the 2003 ASID Educator of Distinction Award. This is the first year the award has been presented. Harwood, an accomplished interior design educator, is a professor and past chair of the Department of Interior Design at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA and Doha, Qatar campuses). She previously taught at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of North Texas in Denton and provided workshops at a variety of U.S. universities.
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