National Flooring Contractors Apprenticeship Program Active in Florida

Neenah, WI, March 17, 2020-Robert Blochinger has been meeting with Job Corps Center in Miami and Job Corps Association in Washington, D.C. to present the National Flooring Contractors Apprenticeship Program (NFCAP) and promote an alliance with local floorcovering contractors in Miami and the state of Florida. 

The NFCAP is a national association formed to promote education and training to meet the present and future needs of floorcovering installation shortage. Principals of NFCAP are Carlos Mongalo, Greg Roberts, Gary Reeves Sonny Callaham and Robert Blochinger.

The training curriculum of the National Academy of Floor Covering Training (NAFCT) is basic installation education in jobsite safety, substrate preparation, LVT and VCT installation, direct glue down carpet and carpet tile installation procedure. The time frame is approximate six to eight weeks of combined formal classroom and also on the job (OJT/OJL) exposure and work. The student graduate will be a Certified Apprentice.

NFCAP is formed to train and educate students, both male and female, to the flooring installation trade. This group is made of industry veterans brought together to facilitate the Apprentice shortage identified by the FCLC survey of 2018, results were released to the Industry.

Related Topics:Floor Covering Leadership Council , National Academy of Floor Covering Training