Mancini Takes WFCA Board Helm in July
Anaheim, CA, May 28, 2008--Brooks T. Mancini becomes chairman of the board of the World Floor Covering Association on July 1.
Mancini, chairman emeritus of B.T. Mancini Co. Inc., of Reno, Nev., takes over from Donny Phillips, president of Atlanta Flooring Design Center in Suwanee, Ga., who becomes immediate past chairman, replacing Robert Hill, CEO of Floor Covering Associates in Shorewood, Ill.
At the board's spring meeting in Chattanooga, Tenn., directors of the 3,000-member organization also elected Nick Freadreacea, president and owner of The Flooring Gallery in Louisville, Ken. and Paul F. Johnson, president of Interiors One-Carpet One, Tulsa, Okla. as vice chairmen and confirmed Scott Steel, president of My Flooring Americain Webster, Tex. as treasurer and CFO, and Jim Walters, owner and president of Macco’s Floor Covering Center in Green Bay, Wis. as secretary.
The WFCA elects a third of its board of directors each year for three-year terms. In addition to re-electing Janice Clifton, partner and owner of Abbey Carpets Unlimited in Napa, Calif., as well as Freadreacea to three-year terms, plus Mancini to fill out a one year unexpired vacancy, newly elected full-term directors include:
Ted Gregerson, President, Abbey Carpet & Floor, Anniston, Ala.
Phil Koufidakis, President, Baker Bros., Phoenix, Ariz.
Donna Mudd, Area Rug Manager, Sam Kinnairds Flooring, Louisville, Ken.
Jim Traweek, President, PS America, Longwood, Fla.
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