Frank E. 'Mike' Masland Dies in Pennsylvania
Carlisle, PA, Jan. 25, 2011 -- Frank E. "Mike" Masland III, former CEO of C. H. Masland & Sons, died Saturday, Jan. 22 in Carlisle, Pa.
He was a Princeton and Harvard Business School graduate and a veteran of World War II.
He joined the firm of C.H. Masland & Sons, Rugs & Carpets in March 1948. Throughout his career he held several key positions.
He worked at and led C. H. Masland & Sons until 1986, when the company was purchased by Burlington Industries. During his tenure he served as vice president, president, CEO and chairman of the board.
He helped shepherd the company from a predominately family-run business to a multi-national corporation. He was instrumental in going public with the company, when it was listed on the American Stock Exchange. He also helped develop the automobile mat division into the largest supplier of automobile carpet in the U.S.
He also served as director and president of the Carpet and Rug Institute, director and chairman of the American Carpet Institute, director of Masland Duraleather Company, director of Galaxy Carpet Company and served on the board of The National Association of Manufacturers.
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