FCLC Will Attempt to Quantify Impact of Installer Shortage
Atlanta, GA, February 21, 2018-Members of the Floor Covering Leadership Council (FCLC) held their first meeting of 2018 on February 13, 2018 in Atlanta.
At the meeting, FCLC members officially authorized the launch of an installation research initiative utilizing Chicago-based research firm, Blackstone Group, to take an in-depth look at the current and future state of the flooring covering industry labor force. Member associations of FCLC donated funds necessary to kick-off the initial phase of the research project. Ongoing industry fundraising will be coordinated to generate the funding needed for additional stages of the project.
Primary objectives of the research project include:
* Estimating the current size of the gaps between supply and demand of floor covering installers as well as the projection of these gaps in five to ten years
* Quantifying the financial impact of the installer shortage up the supply chain
* Identifying the key drivers behind the installer shortage as well as potential solutions
Both quantitative and qualitative research methods will be deployed to help define the severity and scope of what is widely considered the flooring industry’s most complex challenge. Tactics to be used include in-depth phone interviews with industry stake-holders, online surveying targeting hundreds of professionals across all industry segments and collaboration with other industry organizations doing work related to labor force issues such as Home Builders Institute (HBI), National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Initial findings are expected in late summer 2018.
Related Topics:Floor Covering Leadership Council